Easter message from the Reverend Fran Rhys, Toll Gavel Church, Beverley

All around us are signs of spring: the tender light green leaves sprouting from twigs and branches; small bright splashes of colour from bulbs in front gardens and road-sides, not to mention the froth of blossom; birds singing away, building or sitting on nests; lighter evenings.  We’re once again witnessing the astonishing power of nature in one of its most impressive seasonal cycles, bringing forth new life from what seems dead and gone.

A retired Anglican bishop, Richard Harries, is quoted as saying: “The question of whether or not Jesus rose from the dead is the most important question in human life.” When I first heard it, the quote took me aback, because like many of us, I don’t always live like that is the case.  I suppose what the bishop is saying is, if we believe Jesus rose from the dead, this should convince us of God’s existence and our creator’s phenomenal power, and this should therefore profoundly affect how we live our lives. All the evidence points to truth of the resurrection: the words of Jesus anticipating this event; the empty tomb; the utter astonishment of his disciples; the complete change among his disciples from depths of despair to joy and empowerment.  Alleluia, Christ is risen…Christ is risen indeed!

Rev Fran Rhys

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